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Award Winners

Achievement Award winners

Summer Term Winners:

We are delighted to announce that the Jack Petchey Achievement Award winners for the Summer term 2018 are:

Clara 10SJ:

For volunteering each week to read to children with a disability at her local library. Also, for persevering through difficult circumstances.

Arryan 7WD:

For selfless support and encouragement of a disadvantaged student and being a great role model.

Reaxmey 10VH:

For a very altruistic approach to his peers and in demonstration of great compassion in his own humble way.


Winter Term Winners:


We are delighted to announce that the Jack Petchey Achievement Award winners for the Winter term 2017 are:

Ashley 10TI:

For commitment to the community by feeding the homeless on the weekends

Trishun 10AC:

For providing help and support to younger more vulnerable students.

Jenisha 11PV:

For outstanding help, support and leadership in and around the library.

Stacy 8GO:

For maintaining a positive and resolute attitude in all her school activities, including mentoring a peer, whilst persevering through her own challenges.

Shreya 9LW:

For being an outstanding student in her tutor group including mediating conflict and mentoring. Also, for service to the school community.

Alex 13TA:

For complete and consistent support of students in the lower school with their academic progress. Also, taking every opportunity to develop himself.

Hetal 9SB:

Participating in charity work outside of school. Demonstrating a inclusive attitude whilst in community and leadership roles.