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Computer Science & ICT

Welcome to the ICT & Computer Science Department

"If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow." - John Dewey

Head of Department:

Mrs Tisson
e-mail: mtisson3.310@parkhighstanmore.org.uk

Key Stage 3

Computer Science and ICT are taught together at Key Stage 3, and include practical elements, such as programming, video making, image editing, game development, as well as theoretical elements to help students to understand the key concepts and be able to apply them. Students are also taught to be confident and safe users of commonly used digital technology (mobile phones, social media, the internet), and know what a crucial role computer science plays in our everyday lives. Key Stage 3 units of work aim to prepare: 

  • Students to be effective users of digital technology, and efficient in its use; 
  • Students to be able to use basic office applications, such as word processing and presentation software; 
  • Students to know how technology impacts individuals, society and the environment; 
  • Students to know how technology is used in the real world; 
  • Students to be able to analyse computational problems, and plan and write computer programs.

Year 7

In Year 7, students are taught six units of work, which develop their skills and knowledge in ICT and Computer Science.

Students receive one lesson of ICT& Computer Science per week.

Autumn Spring Summer

Unit 1 Using Computers Safely

Unit 2 Understanding Computers

Unit 3 Python Programming with EduBlocks

Unit 4 Spreadsheet Modelling

Using computers safely and responsibly

This is a theoretical unit covering the necessary basic knowledge to use computers safely, effectively, and responsibly. Pupils begin by looking at file management and security. The unit then moves on to e-safety (cyber-bullying, phishing etc.), and online profiles to give pupils a better understanding and awareness of using social media. The functionality and operation of email and search engines and how to use them effectively are covered.


Understanding Computers

This unit covers the basic principles of computer architecture and use of binary. Pupils will revise some of the theory on input and output covered in previous learning and continue to look at the Input-Process-Output sequence and the Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle through practical activities. Pupils will then look at some simple binary to decimal conversion and vice versa and learn how text characters are represented using the ASCII code. This will be followed by some simple binary addition. Pupils will learn more in depth how storage devices represent data using binary patterns and physically save these patterns. Finally, they will look at a brief history of communication devices, how new technologies and applications are emerging and the pace of change.


Python EduBlocks

The aim of this unit for Year 7 students is to provide a foundational understanding of coding concepts. Students will learn block-based coding, basic programming principles, and the importance of mathematics in coding. They will explore sequences, algorithms, loops, user input, and data types. The focus extends to conditional statements, variable use for data storage, and creating, defining, and updating variables. The unit introduces the concept of functions and their reuse with and without arguments. By the end, students will have a solid foundation in coding, enabling them to approach problem-solving systematically and tackle more complex programming challenges with confidence.

Spreadsheet modelling

In this unit, students learn the concept of spreadsheets and why spreadsheets are useful.  They will learn the basic features of a spreadsheet and skills such as populating cells, carrying out calculations and understanding cell referencing. They will collect, analyse, and manipulate data, before turning it into graphs and charts.

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KS3 Assessment:

Home learning is allocated on a weekly basis by the department. It may be an isolated piece of work, a project, research or an alternative task which challenges the students to solidify their knowledge and / or extend it.

In the Summer Term, each student will sit a formal, internal exam which will consist of all elements taught throughout the course.  Appropriate preparation in the form of revision should be taken seriously with sufficient planning and organisation to ensure each student fulfils their potential.

Year 8

In Year 8, students are taught six units of work, which develop their skills and knowledge in ICT and Computer Science. Some units build on the Year 7 units.

Students receive two lesson of ICT & Computer Science per week.

Autumn Spring Summer

Unit 1 Cyber Security

Unit 2 Data Representation

Unit 3 Introduction to Python

Unit 4 Computer Systems

Unit 5 HTML and Web Design

Cyber Security

This unit takes the students on an eye-opening journey of discovery about techniques used by cybercriminals to steal data, disrupt systems, and infiltrate networks. They will start by considering the value of their data to organisations and what they might use it for. They will then look at social engineering techniques used by cybercriminals to try to trick users into giving away their personal data. The unit will look at the more common cybercrimes such as hacking, DDoS attacks, and malware, as well as looking at methods to protect ourselves and our networks against these attacks.

Data Representation

In the "Data Representation" unit, Year 8 students will delve into the fundamental concepts of how data is represented, stored, and processed in the digital world. They will explore various numerical systems, binary representation, data encoding, and the impact of data representation on technology and everyday life.


Computing systems

This unit teaches the students about different layers of computing systems: from programs and the operating system to the physical components that store and execute these programs, to the fundamental binary building blocks that these components consist of. 


Programming in Python

This unit introduces the students to text-based programming with Python. Students will practice using variables, operators, inputs, outputs and assignments. They will use the three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of a program which they learnt about in Year 7. They will design programs through algorithms, then develop and test them.

HTML and web design

In this unit, students will explore the technologies that make up the internet and World Wide Web. Starting with an exploration of the building blocks of the World Wide Web, HTML, and CSS, students will investigate how websites are catalogued and organised for effective retrieval using search engines.

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KS3 Assessment:
Home learning is allocated on a weekly basis by each department. It may be an isolated piece of work, a project, research or an alternative task which challenges the students to solidify their knowledge and / or extend it.

In the Summer Term, each student will sit a formal, internal exam which will consist of all elements taught throughout the course.  Appropriate preparation in the form of revision should be taken seriously with sufficient planning and organisation to ensure each student fulfils their potential.

Year 9 

In Year 9 students will build on their knowledge from Year 7 and 8 with the units Cyber security, Programming in Python and Digital literacy.

Students receive two lesson of ICT & Computer Science per week.

Autumn Spring Summer

Unit 1 Mobile App Development

Unit 2 Networks

Unit 3 Python Next Steps

Unit 3 HTML

Mobile App development

With the App market being so popular, this unit will take students through the entire process of creating their own mobile app. Building on the programming concepts used in previous units, they will perform user research, design their app, write the code for it, before finally evaluating and publishing it for others to use.



This unit begins by defining a network and addressing the benefits of networking, before covering how data is transmitted across networks using protocols.


Programming in Python Next Steps

This unit builds on the programming skills which the students learnt in Year 8. Students will learn how data can be represented and processed in sequences, such as lists and strings. The lessons cover a range of operations on sequences of data, which range from accessing an individual element to manipulating the entire sequence.


HTML and Website Development

In this unit, students will explore the technologies that make up the internet and World Wide Web. Students will learn the basics of HTML and CSS, and how to create a responsive design which adapts to any size of screen for viewing on, say, a mobile phone or a PC. They will learn how to create text styles and add content, including text and graphics, in a specified position on a page, as well as navigation links to other pages on their website and to external websites.

KS3 Assessment:

Home learning is allocated on a weekly basis by the department. It may be an isolated piece of work, a project, research or an alternative task which challenges the students to solidify their knowledge and / or extend it.

At the end of each unit the students are assessed either through a written paper, a practical task, or through a combination of both.

Key Stage 4

The department offers two courses at KS4: Computer Science and ICT Creative iMEDIA. The students get taught both aspects in Year 7 -9, and have the option to pick one area to specialise in as they reach KS4.

In ICT, students learn how to use various application software, understand how pre-production documents are used in planning media products, and how to use digital tools to create different digital products.  Students also learn how to research, design, create and test their creations for projects.

In Computer Science, students learn how to thinking rationally and logically, solve programming tasks, learn how the insides of a computer work(hardware/software), be aware of where computing technology is used, and learn how to program.

Computer Science

Year 10 & 11

At GCSE, we follow the OCR J277 Computer Science specification. We believe this course covers the well-established constructs of computer science, whilst reflecting technological developments in the subject. The OCR examination papers are clearly worded and logically structured and we believe offer students every chance to achieve their full potential in the final examinations. As the course offers a choice of programming language, our students study Python. Python allows students to develop their programming skills to a strong level for GCSE and provides transferable skills that will aid them in any future study of the subject. The specification builds on our students’ experience at Key Stage 3.

Students study computer hardware and software and develop an increasing understanding of how these interact. The computational thinking skills introduced at Key Stage 3 are developed further and students study a unit on the ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital technology on wider society

Students have the chance to develop computer programs to solve problems and develop the skills to work collaboratively. They also be able to evaluate the effectiveness of computer programs/solutions and the impact of, and issues related to, the use of computer technology in society.

KS4 Assessment 

Written Paper Examination:

Paper 1    50%   Computer Systems
Paper 2    50%  Computational thinking, algorithms, and programming

Examination Board:


Course Specification:

OCR J277 GCSE Computer Science (9-1) 

Qualification obtained:

GCSE Computer Science (9-1)

Useful Reading Material:

GCSE OCR Computer Science J277 Course textbook by PG Online

Learning to Program in Python by P M Heathcote

ICT Creative iMedia

Year 10 & 11

Compulsory units: Creative iMedia in the media industry


In this unit you will learn about the sectors, products and job roles that form the media industry. You will learn the legal and ethical issues considered and the processes used to plan and create digital media products. You will learn how media codes are used within the creation of media products to convey meaning, create impact and engage audiences. You will learn to choose the most appropriate format and properties for different media products. Completing this unit will provide you with the basic skills for further study or a range of creative job roles within the media industry.


Optional units:

R094: Visual identity and digital graphic

In this unit you will learn how to develop visual identities for clients. You will also learn to apply the concepts of graphic design to create original digital graphics which incorporate your visual identity to engage a target audience. Completing this unit will introduce the foundations for further study or a wide range of job roles within the media industry

R097: Interactive digital media

In this unit you will learn to design and create interactive digital media products for chosen platforms. You will learn to select, edit and repurpose multimedia content of different kinds and create the structure and interactive elements necessary for an effective user experience. Completing this unit will provide you with the basic skills for further study or a range of creative and technical job roles within the media industry

KS4 ICT (iMedia) Assessment 

Unit R093 is an examined unit which is externally assessed, and Units R094 and R097 are project-based practical units which are internally assessed and moderated by the exam board.

Percentage of Coursework: 75%

Percentage Exam marks: 25%

Examination Board:


Course Specification:

Creative iMedia Level 1/Level 2 - J834

Qualification obtained:

Creative iMedia Level 1/2 Award/Certificate

Useful Websites:


Useful Reading Material:

OCR Cambridge Nationals Level 1/2 Creative iMedia

Additional Information