Sixth Form
Thank you for your interest in Park High Sixth Form.
Mr L Clarke
Head of Sixth Form
It is a high-achieving, popular post-16 institution which values each and every individual, creating a supportive environment conducive to academic success and the nurturing of young people.
We are incredibly proud of the excellent outcomes achieved by our students in recent years.In 2019 our English A Level results from 2018 were demonstrated to be the top in the country in terms of student value added. Our philosophy and ethics A Level results from the same year were number 19 in the entire country.
Our school’s ethos of high expectations and individual care and support continues into Sixth Form. In addition to outstanding teaching and learning, our sixth formers enjoy a wide range of enrichment offers, trips and activities and are expected to carry out leadership roles in the school and local community. This is reinforced by a pastoral and wellbeing programme, developing further the spiritual, moral, social and cultural education of the young people in our care. We aim to ensure that the students who leave our Sixth Form will have developed into well motivated, articulate and courteous young adults, fully prepared for university or working life. Our students will be thoroughly equipped to meet the many challenges ahead with confidence and self-assurance.