Chinese New Year 10th February 2024

The Lunar New Year, also referred to as the Chinese New Year, is an ancient celebration Marking the end of winter and the beginning of the spring season, spirituality and rebirth. Chinese New Year and the associated animal is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture. Although the Lunar New Year is most commonly associated with Chinese culture, it is celebrated in a number of other cultures, too, including Japan, Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar.
The Lunar New Year falls on a slightly different date each year depending on the phases of the moon. This year, the Lunar New Year begins with the New Moon on Saturday 10th February, celebrations will continue until the Full Moon on Saturday 24th February.
In 2024, the Lunar New Year will be welcoming in the year of the dragon in China. The dragon is one of the most revered zodiac signs in Chinese culture. It is said that those born during the year of the dragon will find great success and good fortune. In other cultures, the animal zodiac signs sometimes differ slightly.
Here are the Chinese zodiac signs by birth year:
Among the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, only the Dragon is mythical. The featured animals were originally selected in ancient China because of important cultural legends, and each has characteristics that are believed to influence a person’s personality. The Dragon in Chinese culture represents imperial power and authority. It is speculated that the personality traits of people born in the year of the dragon are, strong, energetic, outspoken, charismatic, intelligent, confident, they are natural leaders and ar very lucky.
Mr Wong has decorated his Classroom in celebration.
Happy Chinese New Year!